Sunday, December 30, 2012

  LIFE project
Participatory micro-planning
(75% of Micro-plans approved in gram sabhas)

In terms of making governance more inclusive, concept of participatory planning has been introduced in the form of ‘micro-planning” in the project villages of LIFE project. Initially project staffs have been trained on it and later on the team has trained the CBO and PRI members and then the process of micro-planning has taken place in the project villages. In the micro-planning process community along with PRI members, KVK and agriculture department have developed the plan and the same has been presented in the gram Panchayat and in Gram Sabha.

Status of micro-plans developed by the community in LIFE project village
Before the project
In last 30 months
In last 6 months
Knowledge on micro-planning
Not at all, no idea of it
Developed 20 micro-plans in 20 villages
Developed 20 micro-plans in 20 villages
Involved in micro-planning preparation
Not at all
Developed 20 micro-plans in 20 villages
Developed 20 micro-plans in 20 villages
Developed and submitted the micro-plan to the gram Panchahayt and presented the same to the Gram sabah
Never, even PRI mebers did not have any knowledge on it
Developed 20 micro-plans in 20 villages and presented in 8 concerned gram Panchayats
 Developed 20 micro-plans in 20 villages and presented in 8 concerned gram Panchayats
Presentation of Micro-plan by female members of CBOs
Female memberes were never be the part of any planning at apnachayat level
4 micro-plans at Amplipada, Ambapada, Mundari and Mavashiya has been presented by the female members of farmers club
4 micro-plans at Amplipada, Ambapada, Mundari and Mavashiya has been presented by the female members of farmers club
Approved Micro-plan by gram Panchayat and Sabha
Not applicable
20 micro-plans have been presented and out of this 15 have ben approved by the gram Panchayat and gram Sabah. ( % micro-plans at Ajmer and 10 micro-plans at Banswara has approved)
20 micro-plans have been presented and out of this 15 have ben approved by the gram Panchayat and gram Sabah. ( % micro-plans at Ajmer and 10 micro-plans at Banswara has approved)
Work has initiated on the approved plan

Work has started in Gram Panchaayt-Godiyawas, (Ajmer) Mundari (Banswara) and Amblipad (Banswara) on the approved micro-plans
Work has started in Gram Panchaayt-Godiyawas, (Ajmer) Mundari (Banswara) and Amblipad (Banswara) on the approved micro-plans
Source: Application of monitoring tools and interaction with PRI members during the field visits

It is worth to know that its first time that in Banswara region the process of micro-planning has taken place and all the developed micro-plan have been discussed and approved by the gram panchayat.

What exactly micro-panning is able to bring change?

Change Dynamics
In Ajmer
In Banswara
Planning strengthen NREGA implementation
Although in Ajmer, the Panchayats are bit stronger, but with LIFE project and with the micro-planning concept, community is able to bring out the plan mainly related with NREGA ( as its 1st time they have developed  such plannings) and are also able to bring out the various NRM related work in their own villages which is one of the core component of NREGA , but hardly includes in the planning
In Banswara also micro-planning has maoinly focussed on the NREGA, but here the focus is on strengthening the payment system of NREGA and different plans in the form of ATM cards for the NREGA workers, insurance for NREGA workers have ishared by the community to make possible the timely payment of NREGA
Involvement of community in understanding the process of development planning
Now community is aware that they can also contribute for the planning of development projects even for NREGA, and thus are  the participation of community has increased up to 70% in the recent gram sabha meeting ( In April 2012)
In Banswar approval of 10 micro-plans , where community has involved has boost up the moral of community and now community members are working on the budgeting part of the proposed nd approved plan with PRI members.
Source: Interaction with community and reports of cluster coordinators

Here it is worth to know that  participatory development planning at Panchayat has given scope to the community and it also played and important role in mitigating migration ( specially at Banswara) .


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