Initially team was bit confuse how to generate mass level awareness amongst the community, as they have adopted different strategies like interaction with individuals, organising small meeting with farmers in the project villages, but nothing has worked well in terms of people’s awareness for NREGA.
Team was not able to click the IDEA to generate mass level awareness and finally with Ms. Premalata ( field animator LIFE project) has given an idea to organise nukkad nataks on NREGA in all the project villages. She has explained that village people like entertainment and entertainment could be one of the best way to make large community gather and to seed the concept of availing services of NREGA through panchyats. Rest of the team members initially denied this idea accentuating on who will do street play/nukkad natak? Again Premlata has shared that it would be better if we people would do the role play and it will make community to attract how the people from their own villages are going to perform…something for their entertainment……with hours of discussion and thinking finally team members agreed to do the nukkad natak and to play different roles in it to generate awareness amongst the community on NREGA!
With the support from Mr. Vijay and Fr. Marcus team has drafted the script of nukkad natak and did few rehearsals for it.
Later on team realise that it would be better if the nukkad natak would be properly performed with proper costumes and make up for better impact and to attract community. Team has purchased items from the market and has designed dress themselves as the need and demand of the script.

The result of this nukkad natak has really coming out as positive step with 17 target families applied and received job card and now people are raising voice in panchyats saying if the per day wage under NREGA is 119 rupees in Rajasthan why still they are receiving 85-90 rupees?